Mais um DownTown realizado pelos BaToTas, clube de BTT de Ponte de Lima, Já lá vão (7) Sete edições e o Ricardo já na sua quarta participação. Mais um evento realizado debaixo de muito calor, como, já vem sendo hábito, com o mesmo percurso, mas sempre muito agradável de assistir, participar e também sempre com muito público a assistir, principalmente na "zona espectáculo". Este ano a prova até nem correu mal, havendo sempre os imprevistos, de que a Organização, não tem culpa, mas que acontecem, pois os comerciantes da zona Histórica parecem que não gostam que por lá andem uns pilotos montados em bicicletas. É mau, pois a prova trás animação e mais pessoas para Ponte de Lima, que acabam por fazer compras, almoçar, etc, etc. É pena que os comerciantes da zona histórica não apoiem o evento, mas tentem sempre dificultar a Organização, arranjando problemas, impondo horários, barfustando e muito mais.
Foram cerca de 80 os pilotos que se inscreveram e que pelos motivos atrás expostos, só treinaram durante a manhã cerca de 1 hora e 30 minutos, quando estavam previstas pelo menos 3 horas, não por culpa da Organização do evento, mas pelos ditos Comerciantes.
Apesar do pouco treino realizado, os pilotos deram o seu máximo e realizaram uma prova muito boa e muito renhida.
O Ricardo começou algo mal, pois logo na primeira descida em treino, depois do reconhecimento da pista, furou, logo nos primeiros lanços de escadas, isto junto ao Hospital, tendo de fazer toda pista até há linha de meta, com a bike à mão, para se trocar de roda e logo avançou para a linha de partida para treinar.
Devido ao imprevisto só teve tempo para fazer mais duas descidas, antes de a Organização encerrar a pista devido ao problema dos comercianates da Zona Histórica.
Depois há tarde, a Organização e bem, resolveu deixar fazer mais uma descida para que os pilotos e público, começassem a "sentir" a verdadeira competição.
Às 15 horas lá saiu o primeiro Piloto (dorsal 100) que por sinal era uma menina, a única e depois todos os pilotos com a ordem inversa ao Frontal que ostentavam, sendo o Ricardo dos últimos a sair.
Descida realizada sem incidentes e algo rápida, tendo ficado nos primeiros 17 lugares da 1º manga classificativa.
Às 17 horas, nova descida e também correu bem, mas apesar de ter melhorado o tempo, ficou no 19º tempo da manga, o que originou que no total das duas mangas ficasse em 21º lugar da competição.
Aqui ficam as fotos e filme da prova.
Another DownTown achieved by cheats , club MTB Ponte de Lima , Gone are ( 7 ) seven editions and Ricardo now in its fourth participation . Another event held under a lot of heat , as it is traditional , with the same route , but always very enjoyable to watch , participate and also always very public to watch , especially in the " Performance Zone " . This year the race up or went wrong , there is always the unexpected, that the Organization is not to blame , but that happens because traders seem Historic area who do not like to walk there a few riders mounted on bicycles . It's too bad because the evidence behind animation and more people to Ponte de Lima , who end up shopping, lunch , etc. , etc. . It is unfortunate that traders historic district do not support the event, but always try to hinder the organization , arranging problems by imposing timetables, barfustando and more.
There were about 80 riders who signed up and for the reasons set out above, only trained in the morning about 1 hour and 30 minutes when they were provided for at least 3 hours , through no fault of the Organization of the event , but the traders said .
Despite the short training session , the pilots gave their maximum and held a very good and closely fought race.
Ricardo started something wrong, because on the first descent in training , after recognition of the track , stuck , in the first few flights of stairs , that next to the Hospital , having to do the whole track until a target line , with the bike by hand , to replace the wheel and soon progressed to the starting line to train .
Due to unforeseen only had time to make two more cuts before the organization shut down the track due to the problem of comercianates the Old Town .
Then there late , the organization and well , decided to leave to make a further descent for pilots and the public , begin to "feel" the real competition .
At 15 hours there came the first pilot (dorsal 100 ) which by the way was a girl , the one and then all pilots with the reverse order to that sported Front , Ricardo being the last to leave.
Descent held without incident and something fast , having stayed in the first 17 places in the 1st league sleeve.
At 17 hours , further decline and also ran well, but despite improved weather , was the 19th time the manga , which originated in the total of the two sleeves stay in 21th place in the competition.
Here are the photos and movie proof .
Another DownTown achieved by cheats , club MTB Ponte de Lima , Gone are ( 7 ) seven editions and Ricardo now in its fourth participation . Another event held under a lot of heat , as it is traditional , with the same route , but always very enjoyable to watch , participate and also always very public to watch , especially in the " Performance Zone " . This year the race up or went wrong , there is always the unexpected, that the Organization is not to blame , but that happens because traders seem Historic area who do not like to walk there a few riders mounted on bicycles . It's too bad because the evidence behind animation and more people to Ponte de Lima , who end up shopping, lunch , etc. , etc. . It is unfortunate that traders historic district do not support the event, but always try to hinder the organization , arranging problems by imposing timetables, barfustando and more.
There were about 80 riders who signed up and for the reasons set out above, only trained in the morning about 1 hour and 30 minutes when they were provided for at least 3 hours , through no fault of the Organization of the event , but the traders said .
Despite the short training session , the pilots gave their maximum and held a very good and closely fought race.
Ricardo started something wrong, because on the first descent in training , after recognition of the track , stuck , in the first few flights of stairs , that next to the Hospital , having to do the whole track until a target line , with the bike by hand , to replace the wheel and soon progressed to the starting line to train .
Due to unforeseen only had time to make two more cuts before the organization shut down the track due to the problem of comercianates the Old Town .
Then there late , the organization and well , decided to leave to make a further descent for pilots and the public , begin to "feel" the real competition .
At 15 hours there came the first pilot (dorsal 100 ) which by the way was a girl , the one and then all pilots with the reverse order to that sported Front , Ricardo being the last to leave.
Descent held without incident and something fast , having stayed in the first 17 places in the 1st league sleeve.
At 17 hours , further decline and also ran well, but despite improved weather , was the 19th time the manga , which originated in the total of the two sleeves stay in 21th place in the competition.
Here are the photos and movie proof .